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Irish Marist Archives
Ms. Curstaidh Reid, Project Archivist, was hired to organise the British Marist archives. On completion of that task she was contracted...
Education Mass in Dundee
On 6th June Brothers Brendan Geary, Robert Thunus and Wilfrid Harrison travelled to Dundee to visit the staff and students of St. John’s...
Dumfries Commemoration
Gedenkfeier auf dem Maristenfriedhof in Dumfries Am Freitag, 07. Juni 2019, fuhren Frater Robert Thunus, Frater Brendan Geary, Norbert...
Award for Brother Charles Gay
Award for Brother Charles Gay On Sunday 2ndJune Brother Charles Gay received an award to honour his initiative in sending former students...
Papal Award for Dr. Noel Donnelly
On Friday 27thMay Dr Noel Donnelly, a former Marist Brother, was awarded the papal knighthood of St Gregory in the parish of St. Leo the...
Visit to Kessel-Lo
English: Abbot Christopher Jamison, Abbot President of the English Benedictine Congregation, visited Kessel-Lo from Saturday 11th– Sunday...
Orore Summer Camp 2018
Once again this year, a group of 11 Marists, including Jasmin Nimar from the Cmi team, Wolfgang Hacker, PE Teacher at the Maristenkolleg,...
An Honour for Mrs Ria Walk
On 8 September, Ria Walk said farewell to the Marist Brothers of Westerhelling/Nijmegen. She had worked for 31 years, serving the...
Brussels – Marist Meeting
In Brussels, on 4 September 2018, a meeting was held on the theme of safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. There...
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